On Friday April the 23 I had the chance to participate like other MBA students from EMC Business School to The 2010 Digital Development in Hospitality Think Tank organized in Paris. At this meeting, various experts and lecturers in the hospitality industry attended like Liz Craig, RJ Friedlander (from Review Pro), Jean Robberecht (Fastbooking VP), Michael Praunger (Sales manager & Young hoteliers awarded)and Veronique Sournies.
The different intervention we had during this meeting were really interesting , and in the overall, they dealt, with the implications of new technologies in the hospitality industry, and their impact on consumers behaviour.
Over the past 10 years, the “high speed” development of new technologies have completely changed the way we live, the way we act, the way we feel and the way we emotionalized products and services. As a student in hospitality development, I realize that to catch up with competitors and current or potential clients, it is imperative that hoteliers adapt their strategy and adopt a new way of thinking.
The Consumer is changing its expectation:
As we saw at the conference, luxury consumers’ expectations are changing. Their use of new technologies like applications for mobile have changed their livings. Mobile app have completely changed the travel experience and expectations. Travelers are dependent , and are counting on their pocket device to tell them on a last minute time where is the nearest station, a hotel room availability and other tones of app four various domains. Obviously, it has some consequences on their expectation: exigent, fast, and personalized desire. Fastbooking is one of the applications that answer to their needs for hotel booking = secure, easy, fast to work. Otherwise the application is dead and consumer will reject it. Now, one can skip the step to the tourism office .The augmented reality is a great example of how app change our life and tend to replace some services like concierge or tourism office. It is clear that they are not totally replaceable and human factor is still important today and still key.
Strategy that may be obvious for “classic hoteliers thinkers” are no longer viable for the constantly growing “technologized” web consumers. Indeed it seems that some hoteliers already got the message and offer a brand new approach to their services. As an example, I find it interesting to site the Palmilla hotel that mainly expresses about people instead of the classic approach of expressing product or services. What tend to be the trend is websites that reflect art using tools like music, colors, sounds, litteration…. It is argument for them to be distinctive, original and different where web surfers feel closer and intimate feelings, engagement and look for experience. Customer is now key for business, and understanding their behavior help the industry to adapt to their lifestyles, and approach them differently.
The consumer as an influencer:
Moreover, consumer play a big role as influencers. And most of us rely on consumer review before going to a particular hotel or restaurant. This is the part, that had the greatest impact on me. Before this session, I did not realized that so many people rely on the internet to make a decision. And although I am a part of them, I was astonished by the figures presented during the session: “According to Google 65 %, and trip ad 85% online consumers read reviews and 88% of those who read reviews are highly influenced by their purchasing decisions. Those figures are quite high and is the main reason hoteliers have to manage reviews for having positive impact on their business.
Only 80% of hotels pro believe that online reviews have a direct impact on revenue. How about the other? I guess they are so sure of their potential that they wrongly do not pay attention to reviews impart on their revenues. Fortunately, hotels like Barcelona Hotel has understood the opportunity of a good revenue management and possesses the most sophisticated ecommerce platform Review Pro and they look really successful. As a consequence, the more reviews there are, the better the hotel revenue will be.
So my advice is if you are an Hotelier looking for performance, take your head out of the sand and run toward those wonderful new technology tools, applications and gadgets that will tailor the industry, like mobile as a key to open you hotel room. Hope that you will get enough battery on your cell . At a certain point you would not do without it otherwise you will be completely loss are waiting behind the door..
This article is also available here:
Saluquia Gomes Neves
Insights from the DDiH Digital Development in Hospitality 23 April 2010.
mardi 27 avril 2010
jeudi 22 avril 2010
dimanche 18 avril 2010
Big Cloud over our heads
Hey guys, I am stuck in Nice Beacause of volcanic ash from Iceland.
This eruption that started that last for 4 days have since then paralysed international and national air traffic causing thousands of air travellers to stop reorganize their trip.
Obviously this situation is out of everyone's control and its economic impact is estimated to 10 Billion dollars and touches all industries that rely on airtransportation. It wiil eventually cause holiday cancellations and probably reduce short term demand.
It is difficult to estimate how long the volcano will continue to errupt and spread ash in the sky.
I hope I will get a train tomorrow morning for Paris, otherwise I'll wait until it clears out.....
mardi 13 avril 2010
vendredi 9 avril 2010
lundi 5 avril 2010
Scaring gaming entering our lifes
This video is so frightening!
I can do nothing but imagine the path we are taking toward those kind of earning points games. Actually if we glance at what is called loyalty cards, we can assume that is looks like the beginning of a new era. I saw no later than last week that a car brand just launched a new model and offer to people a magazine with a video you can watch inside it (this was only for advertising purpose.... But it make me wonder how far we are going into the use of new technology. We can easily imagine hoteliers using this method to boost brochures acceptance for potential clients to present their rooms, and facilities via video. ...
jeudi 1 avril 2010
dimanche 7 mars 2010
Hotels offer perks in exchange for less housekeeping
When I read this article I was amazed, if not choked! I dsicovered in this article what look like a brand new strategy that Starwoods Hotels & Resort worldwide and other independents have implemented during those last months for cutting cost in hotels.
What is more surprising is that they uses the environmental scope as a tool to seduce their clients. I find it quite unethical and unthinkable that to use ecological pattern for economic reasons. Apparently, few consumers have been convinced to skip their daily housekeeping for having discount.
As a price driven consumer, I would rather go to hotels that offer a lower rate and where I wouldn't need to worry getting my bed done instead of going to hotels that offer advantage for less housekeeping!!!
What is more surprising is that they uses the environmental scope as a tool to seduce their clients. I find it quite unethical and unthinkable that to use ecological pattern for economic reasons. Apparently, few consumers have been convinced to skip their daily housekeeping for having discount.
As a price driven consumer, I would rather go to hotels that offer a lower rate and where I wouldn't need to worry getting my bed done instead of going to hotels that offer advantage for less housekeeping!!!
lundi 15 février 2010
!Independant Hotels Comparison
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
!Independant Hotels Comparison
View more presentations from Saluquia.
dimanche 14 février 2010
President Obama Wants YOU… to Twitter for Him
White House position available!
Only apply if you are a social media user geek
President Obama has understood since the beginning of its race to the White house and even more after he got there, the real necessity and importance of using social networking such as twitter. He is currently looking to hire someone that will tweet for him. Its not just a job position, it is something that requires passion and expertise.
So if if think you would suit do not hesitate to apply!!!
Joke apart, this article really shows the extent of social media use on muliple aspect of daily life such as politics, business, environment, and private.
Only apply if you are a social media user geek
President Obama has understood since the beginning of its race to the White house and even more after he got there, the real necessity and importance of using social networking such as twitter. He is currently looking to hire someone that will tweet for him. Its not just a job position, it is something that requires passion and expertise.
So if if think you would suit do not hesitate to apply!!!
Joke apart, this article really shows the extent of social media use on muliple aspect of daily life such as politics, business, environment, and private.
mercredi 10 février 2010
mardi 9 février 2010
Sixth sense new technology
Sixth Sense new technology takes a step further in the augmented reality!!!
You really ought to see this video above showing Pranav Mistry demo for what I consider the tomorrow's device.
Actually, it is a wearable device including a camera and a projector that allows one to use any surface as a potential screen or tablet. It combines virtual and real world. More astonishing, you can use you fingers to take pictures or your hands to write mail. This new device reminds me Tom Cruise on "Minority report" film. Though,it is not totally new and sixth sense's inventor has used brevetted technologies that already exist before.
Technology is renewing itself quicker than we could think, and there is no limit to that. The only thing that I reproach to that approach is the human body being materialized. In the next future, this might be completely normal and we won't wonder if it is ethic or not.
dimanche 31 janvier 2010
IPhone Baby born
Last week, This article found in "The Sun" particualarly caught my attention and I defenitely wanted to share it with my blog's readers.
First, when I saw the title, I really thought that this article was about creating a new "buzzz" among the other on the net. Then I really undersatood the point and what it was all about. Actually, it relates the life of a couple that have had their first child born thanks to an IPhone application. Yes, this is real!!! The concerned couple have been trying for almost 4 years until Lena (the mother) discovered the app that she thought was her last chance. This event really shows to what extent Apple uses scientific rules to help people. However, it looks like a weird picture: "born thanks to the Iphone". Giving birth through the use of technology is all but surprising but it is more and more accessible to individuals. that might constitute a potential danger for those who could think they could switch the doctor appointment to the benefit of IPhones' medical applications and care by their own whenever they have a trouble without personnalized services....
Last week, This article found in "The Sun" particualarly caught my attention and I defenitely wanted to share it with my blog's readers.
First, when I saw the title, I really thought that this article was about creating a new "buzzz" among the other on the net. Then I really undersatood the point and what it was all about. Actually, it relates the life of a couple that have had their first child born thanks to an IPhone application. Yes, this is real!!! The concerned couple have been trying for almost 4 years until Lena (the mother) discovered the app that she thought was her last chance. This event really shows to what extent Apple uses scientific rules to help people. However, it looks like a weird picture: "born thanks to the Iphone". Giving birth through the use of technology is all but surprising but it is more and more accessible to individuals. that might constitute a potential danger for those who could think they could switch the doctor appointment to the benefit of IPhones' medical applications and care by their own whenever they have a trouble without personnalized services....
dimanche 24 janvier 2010
Former hotel manager admits $300,000 theft

Check this out!!!
When reading this article, I was so amaized that I wondered what would be client's possible reaction to that? Well, considering Hotels managers stilling money from a place they are supposed to manage, by guarantying a certain harmony, satisfation and level of confidence for both their employees and clients, that situation looks unsane. Unfortunatly, theft is a problem all kind of comapanies worldwide experiment. Considering those facts, how could we blame clients for taking hotel's towel or accessories in their luggage? Obviously, that comment goes a little deeper that and with all the efforts that are already made by hoteliers for preventing those crimes, there will always be some smart fox that will get around with that. And other caught up.
dimanche 17 janvier 2010
Cornell Study Finds that Guests Want to Know Hotels' Rate Rules :: Hotel News Resource
Cornell Study Finds that Guests Want to Know Hotels' Rate Rules :: Hotel News Resource
Hotels' guest tend to think that "rate-changing rules are unfair" that is exactly what the study “How Hotel Guests Perceive the Fairness of Differential Room Pricing,” by Wayne Taylor and Sheryl Kime reveal in their book. Actually, it is not surprising that clients doubt of the fairness of hotel's prices. I remember when I was doing my internship in Garden Beach Hotel in Juan-les-Pins, we had regular clients that wanted us to apply the same rate whenever the period they came. That is a typical example of regular or occasional guest lack of education toward rate management system. Well then if we explain them why they can not have this particular rate instead of saying "it's ok for having the same rate this time", they will probably stop negotiating.
Hotels' guest tend to think that "rate-changing rules are unfair" that is exactly what the study “How Hotel Guests Perceive the Fairness of Differential Room Pricing,” by Wayne Taylor and Sheryl Kime reveal in their book. Actually, it is not surprising that clients doubt of the fairness of hotel's prices. I remember when I was doing my internship in Garden Beach Hotel in Juan-les-Pins, we had regular clients that wanted us to apply the same rate whenever the period they came. That is a typical example of regular or occasional guest lack of education toward rate management system. Well then if we explain them why they can not have this particular rate instead of saying "it's ok for having the same rate this time", they will probably stop negotiating.
mardi 12 janvier 2010
Getting a better understanding of Aggregator travel sites
dimanche 10 janvier 2010
“The decade in travel: technology and tourism”’
This is it! As we step back and consider how a 10 years ago trip looked like, it is particularly true as mention in “The decade in travel: technology and tourism”’s article, that in less than one decade factors like technology and terrorism have given another meaning to travelling but also have completely changed its shapes together with its contain.
Among them, September 11th‘s attack in NY and other terrorism attempt in flights. When we once used to travel with bottles and liquids of all kind in our bag, the psychoses’ has now led to the “strict minimum” to carry in a flight. Even the poor baby has seen his food diminished….. It is clear that security justify those measures but it turns out too extreme at some points and attention of security forces are not focused enough on finding the real and core source of damages.
Still, those elements have not been for long a dissuading purpose, even though it is no longer as enjoyable as it used to be. From delays, to luggage lost, passengers have several reasons to travel. As we notice, statistics regarding the increase of passengers’ numbers it is more than encouraging. New technologies, internet, globalisation, families spread outs, job requirement, and price decrease are the major reasons.
However, other types of travel like ship, have not been contaminated by internet, but still have completely changed their old fashioned identity to something trendy, where one can find distraction diversity with interesting packages that fit to different tastes and ages.
To conclude, I would say that travelling can be apprehended to a cycle that is constantly evolving but always reach its return. We should also reconsider carefully the attention we give to terrorism that have dangerous and powerful to frighten their target and that are always trying to get advanced in their tools. It is again part of the travelling changes and it is today among crucial debates on whether or not implementing body scan seen by many as a violation of human kind freedom.
Among them, September 11th‘s attack in NY and other terrorism attempt in flights. When we once used to travel with bottles and liquids of all kind in our bag, the psychoses’ has now led to the “strict minimum” to carry in a flight. Even the poor baby has seen his food diminished….. It is clear that security justify those measures but it turns out too extreme at some points and attention of security forces are not focused enough on finding the real and core source of damages.
Still, those elements have not been for long a dissuading purpose, even though it is no longer as enjoyable as it used to be. From delays, to luggage lost, passengers have several reasons to travel. As we notice, statistics regarding the increase of passengers’ numbers it is more than encouraging. New technologies, internet, globalisation, families spread outs, job requirement, and price decrease are the major reasons.
However, other types of travel like ship, have not been contaminated by internet, but still have completely changed their old fashioned identity to something trendy, where one can find distraction diversity with interesting packages that fit to different tastes and ages.
To conclude, I would say that travelling can be apprehended to a cycle that is constantly evolving but always reach its return. We should also reconsider carefully the attention we give to terrorism that have dangerous and powerful to frighten their target and that are always trying to get advanced in their tools. It is again part of the travelling changes and it is today among crucial debates on whether or not implementing body scan seen by many as a violation of human kind freedom.
On Twitter and in the Workplace, It's Power to the Connectors
This piece of though regarding the growing influence of Twitter in the business world is more than accurate if we consider what is happening in the web sphere. Apparently, the key success factor for contemporary career success resides essentially in a having a good network. However, it is challenging and it looks pretty tough to get one and leaders are in that sense privileged since it is much easier for them to get “followers” that redirect all kind of information. They need also to be persuasive and are usually great decision makers and visionary.
Nonetheless, networking reveals deep society changes and completely reverses the company decision making process. As a result, a qualitative issue can be raised out of it. Would someone known from a friend of a friend network be necessarily be more efficient and the best candidate comparing to a lambda candidate? I am not certain of that!
Anyway, as I mentioned before, the critical transformation we are facing requires some self adjustment and in the same time, being aware of the trend regarding networking gadget, choosing the right ones to settle in, those that are specific to our interests might be the fair solutions. Last but not least, we can say that “formal assignments” use quite always connector skills”, the mean might differ from virtual connector to real life connectors” but the result will be a gain of time and we can target the good person.
Nonetheless, networking reveals deep society changes and completely reverses the company decision making process. As a result, a qualitative issue can be raised out of it. Would someone known from a friend of a friend network be necessarily be more efficient and the best candidate comparing to a lambda candidate? I am not certain of that!
Anyway, as I mentioned before, the critical transformation we are facing requires some self adjustment and in the same time, being aware of the trend regarding networking gadget, choosing the right ones to settle in, those that are specific to our interests might be the fair solutions. Last but not least, we can say that “formal assignments” use quite always connector skills”, the mean might differ from virtual connector to real life connectors” but the result will be a gain of time and we can target the good person.
dimanche 3 janvier 2010
No one wins a race to the bottom
Believe me or not but discounted prices as well as as cut of price as been among the worst marketing strategy of 2009. Though it was considered by a majority of hotelier as the good marketing strategy during the challenging slowdown when demand was decreasing and the need for productivity were crucial. 2009 is over now and we have put a step forward in the a new decade 2010, but still we can find the several prints of the damages caused by strategy to face low occupancy level. The author make a good point in underling the importance for hoteliers of having a long-term strategy who often tend to respond "instinctively" to the immediate danger but do not figure out nor measure the further consequences of their act.
Now those who have implemented the bathrobe on demand strategy, have diminished not only guest experience but only their satisfaction and image.
At a time when guest positive experience is more valuable than anything else, let's try not to take away the ultimate....
samedi 2 janvier 2010
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