dimanche 14 février 2010

President Obama Wants YOU… to Twitter for Him

White House position available!

Only apply if you are a social media user geek
President Obama has understood since the beginning of its race to the White house and even more after he got there, the real necessity and importance of using social networking such as twitter. He is currently looking to hire someone that will tweet for him. Its not just a job position, it is something that requires passion and expertise.
So if if think you would suit do not hesitate to apply!!!
Joke apart, this article really shows the extent of social media use on muliple aspect of daily life such as politics, business, environment, and private.

1 commentaire:

  1. I think that it is incredible (in a positive meaning) that the president of the US go down to the citizen level. It shows the importance of keeping his popularity through social media. It gives acknowledgement and recognition to Twitter as a useful tool of persuasiveness.

    Ignazio SUTERA
