With this hard time the Hotel industry is going through, it is not surprising how imaginative and creative they can be. They also tend to be aware of all kinds of trends regarding the hospitality industry but also they are particularly sensitive to new technologies.
This article is the perfect example of how Hoteliers catch opportunities. We already mentioned it during last class cession on how they adapt the content of their website pages to the mobile phone.
I find it particularly smart since people including are far too attached to their mobile phones, sometimes, they are so dependent to it that we can compare them to slaves.
I can see through my proper experience, I had trouble few days ago with my phone and I felt almost completely lost and out of reach, I though "oh my god!!! How am I going to do without it". It's true that when we get used to do bunches of things with it like surfing, checking mails, calling, ...sometimes it is hard to re adapt our behavior.
Anyway, its really exiting having everything so reachable, the ability to have everything by our hands.
mardi 15 décembre 2009
jeudi 10 décembre 2009
lundi 7 décembre 2009
reverse auction case text links
dimanche 6 décembre 2009
Hey guys, let's have a look at the funniest moment of my day reading the above article.
No Sex Please, we are getting married!!!
Thats a new tourism concept launched by KV Tours and Travels, based in India that suggest a sort of divorce therapy to couple getting into trouble.
According to the tour operator company, instead of spending money for a lawyer, the couple should take the "divorce tourism" package that comes with a binding agent that helps the couple to find a "second breath".
For so long, how many couple have we seen trying to find in the "last chance travel" the response to their doubts, wonders.... To me, this is is not only a therapy but a way to convince themselves that they are no longer able to stay together!!!
Though, it is a fact that the article points out that in general, travelers prioritize a good sleep to a "great sex" with surveys that not only categorize women but give also make new technologies responsible to those tendencies.
The best moment of this article comes at the very last paragraph that I find crually true and funny....
Hey guys, let's have a look at the funniest moment of my day reading the above article.
No Sex Please, we are getting married!!!
Thats a new tourism concept launched by KV Tours and Travels, based in India that suggest a sort of divorce therapy to couple getting into trouble.
According to the tour operator company, instead of spending money for a lawyer, the couple should take the "divorce tourism" package that comes with a binding agent that helps the couple to find a "second breath".
For so long, how many couple have we seen trying to find in the "last chance travel" the response to their doubts, wonders.... To me, this is is not only a therapy but a way to convince themselves that they are no longer able to stay together!!!
Though, it is a fact that the article points out that in general, travelers prioritize a good sleep to a "great sex" with surveys that not only categorize women but give also make new technologies responsible to those tendencies.
The best moment of this article comes at the very last paragraph that I find crually true and funny....
jeudi 3 décembre 2009
OTA's characteristics
- By the large choice of products offered, the client find everythings he needs for his trip.OTA are gain of time
- Price does not longer reflects the quality of services
- we can find different types of OTA:
2- Reverse auction by bidding (eg: priceline) where the client decides for the price
3- Hide, hotels names are hiden, the client does not know what he buys until the last moment (eg: hotwire)
- OTAs can generate trafic for hotel, but hotels loose the control of client segmentation and credibility(eg. a 5* hotel that receives and attract low class & uni=educated people)
- The communication methods are trendy, present in social network sites (eg: facebook, twitter)
- OTAs try to develop customers'loyalty by different programmes: newsletter, rewards =, personal account
- offers are frenquently updated
- OTAs guarantee online payment security
mercredi 2 décembre 2009
Pricelines Case Study
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
Pricelines Case Study
View more presentations from Saluquia.
dimanche 29 novembre 2009

Dubai shock after debt standstill call
A nightmare catching up the dream.
I have choosen this article that has a bomb effect for the hospitality industry. For long seen as an extremly amitious country, Dubai the "eldorado" of investors and visitors worldwide, is now facing a tough situation along with huge debdt.
It represents a meaningfull situation where protagonists have had excessive ambition based on too much debts therefore, the country failed to control its economic situation.
Now, Dubai one of the most exentric country of the world reflects the limits of its visions and thrive to find solution that fit.
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