Dubai shock after debt standstill call
A nightmare catching up the dream.
I have choosen this article that has a bomb effect for the hospitality industry. For long seen as an extremly amitious country, Dubai the "eldorado" of investors and visitors worldwide, is now facing a tough situation along with huge debdt.
It represents a meaningfull situation where protagonists have had excessive ambition based on too much debts therefore, the country failed to control its economic situation.
Now, Dubai one of the most exentric country of the world reflects the limits of its visions and thrive to find solution that fit.

Dear Salucchia,
RépondreSupprimerI think that the problem is based on the financial trend which consists in financing debts by debts.
In any case, under a tourist point of view, we could say that the Dubai is a luxury Market.
This economic crisis usually do not prevent rich people to look at the luxury hotels and resorts.
Moreover the crisis did not affect the entire world such as the American one, so I keep being positive about that!
Thank you for your contribution,
Ignazio SUTERA